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Developed with Metermatic’s extensive knowledge of terminal operations and with constructive and indispensable input from oil company managment and supervisors, the Metermatic SAM system is the answer to problems experienced in managing petroleum terminals.
The powerful, yet user friendly SAM application collects, records and displays all product movement in easy-to-read formats and has a real time summary screen to allow personnel to determine at a glance stock balances. In addition, SAM produces comprehensive reports to allow for accurate stock reconciliation and precise reporting. SAM has been designed to operate as a standalone system for sole depots or in multi-depot environments.


SAM caters for:

Various Terminal Compositions and Structures:


  • Owner Operated Terminals

  • Shared Terminals

  • Contracted Operated Terminals


Incoming and Outgoing Product Movement:


  • Pipeline

  • Ship

  • Rail

  • Road

  • Crosspumps

  • Drainbacks

  • Rebrands

Features and Benefits


  • Inventory Management:

       The stock management module provides features for co-mingled inventory management of products owned by               multiple companies using combined storage. Monitoring of ATG systems helps terminal operators to track products,         reducing manual measurements and recordings which leads to errors.


  • Multiple Loading/Offloading Processes:
    Supports pickup rack, orders and load authorization for various modes of transport
    (i.e. rail, road, pipeline and ship)


  • Scalability:
    Easy to set up for operations in small or large terminals, allowing for standardized operating processes
    across a company’s terminal network. Controls one or many terminals with a single application.


  • Facility Control and Status:
    View the status of loading points, as well as control who can load in the terminal, what products they can
    load and when they are allowed to load these products.


  • EDI and Host System Interfaces:
    Provides easy access to transactional data for depot partners, customers and transporters.


  • Product Quality Control:
    By monitoring the loading process, SAM will ensure that loaded product conforms with the required
    standards and alert personnel to non-compliance.


  • Transporter Compliance:
    Monitors driver and vehicle data to ensure compliance with permit requirements.


  • Segregation of Duties:
    Configurable user groups allow companies to setup processes to enhance internal controls and minimize
    operational errors.


  • Audit Trails:
    Records and monitors added, updated or deleted transactional and master data by user.


  • Congestion Management:
    Allow transporters and customers to book a specific loading date and time to prevent congestion at the


  • Reports and Extracts:
    Standard reports and extracts allow personnel to track all movement types in and out of the terminal.

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